Categories for Kids Dental Care

Tooth Fairy Origins

February 27, 2020 1:09 am

At Amber Hills Dental in Henderson, NV, we are dedicated to providing you with the best oral healthcare. That includes […]

When to Take My Child to the Dentist

January 31, 2020 4:34 am

Many people don’t think their child needs to visit the dentist unless something is wrong or until they start school. […]

Are Cavities More Common in Kids?

March 24, 2019 1:01 am

Dental cavities are extremely common among both children and adults. But is there any correlation between cavities and age? That’s […]

Your Baby’s First

July 10, 2017 1:05 pm

There’s a first time for everything! When you have a baby, it seems like every day they are experiencing a […]