Is IV Sedation Safe?

August 31, 2020 2:46 am

Brunette man with beard and gray shirt wonders if IV sedation is safe in Henderson, NV

Severe dental anxiety and fear, or odontophobia, can hold you back from receiving the dental care you need. Fortunately, sedation dentistry provides patients with the ability to enjoy their treatments in a pain-free, relaxed state.

In this blog post, we discuss the safety of our sedation dentistry options, including IV sedation and nitrous oxide, at Amber Hills Dental in Henderson, NV.

IV Sedation

With IV sedation, we will deliver the sedation medication intravenously, lulling you into a sleep-like state during your treatment. It’s a perfect option if you are going through a more invasive procedure, like wisdom teeth removal, or if you suffer from moderate to severe dental anxiety. You won’t feel any pain during your procedure, and you’ll wake up feeling good as new!

While IV sedation is completely safe when administered by our trained professionals, it takes time for the effects to wear off after your treatment. You should have someone to drive you home after your treatment, and should also take time to rest and relax until you feel fully alert again.

Nitrous Oxide

If you have mild to moderate dental anxiety, nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) is another dental sedation option that we offer at our dental office in Henderson, NV. It is administered via a nose mask.

It is safe and effective for patients of all ages, including children. But unlike IV sedation, nitrous oxide allows you to be fully conscious and alert yet relaxed during your treatment. Plus, the effects wear off immediately when the mask is removed.

Comfortable Dental Office in Henderson, NV

Apart from sedation dentistry, we’re proud to offer various amenities to ensure your comfort and relaxation throughout your visit at Amber Hills Dental. From children’s games and toys, TVs in treatment rooms, and a fully-stocked beverage bar, your family will look forward to any treatment you have with us!

If you’re looking for a family dentist that offers safe, comfortable, and comprehensive dental treatments, you’ve found the right place. Be sure to explore our new patient specials and our financial options!


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